Development of a Counselling Framework for Mothers of Children with Perinatally Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Disease

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Ridulme, Queenie
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HIV cases in the Philippines are increasing every month according to the HIV/AIDS & ART Registry of the Philippines of the Department of Health and so are cases of mothers with perinatally infected children (Department of Health Epidemiology Bureau, 2016). At present, psychosocial and nutrition counseling is only provided after 6 months post delivery. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for counselling mothers of children with perinatally acquired HIV disease. It will utilize a grounded theory approach, using interviews and focus group discussions of mothers living with HIV, as well as experts in HIV and counselling. Themes and their relationships will be identified to create a framework for counselling the participants.
Research Subject Categories::INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Gender studies, Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE::Microbiology, immunology, infectious diseases