Engagement And Its Dimensions As Student Factors Of Academic Performance And Attitude Towards Biology In A Garden-Based Learning Environment
Engagement And Its Dimensions As Student Factors Of Academic Performance And Attitude Towards Biology In A Garden-Based Learning Environment
Vicencio, Bayani
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This study investigated learning engagement and its dimensions (i.e., cognitive,
behavioral and emotional engagement) as factors influencing students’ academic
performance and attitude towards biology in a garden-based learning environment. A
descriptive-correlational research design was employed to provide a relevant
interpretation of the relationship between variables such as respondents’ demographic
profile, dimensions of engagement in garden-based learning, academic achievement
of students and their attitude towards Biology.
The study consisted of seventy (70) Grade -11 students enrolled in a public
senior high school of City Schools Division of Tanauan taking up the core subject Earth
and Life Science during the first semester of School Year 2020-2021. Over the course
of eight weeks, garden-based learning approach was used to teach plant-related
topics and students were given the task to complete fourteen (14) garden-based
learning activities. Data were collected using expert-validated researcher-made
instruments tested for reliability such as the Learning Engagement Survey
Questionnaire (LESQ) and Life Science Achievement Test (LSAT) and Students’
Perception toward Garden-Based Learning (GBL), in addition to the researcher-
developed Garden-based Learning Manual and the adopted instrument on Attitude
Towards Biology Survey (ATBS). These three self-report survey questionnaires and
the achievement test were all administered at the end of eight weeks of exposing the
students to garden-based learning activities. Data obtained were analyzed using both
descriptive and correlational tests. The descriptive statistics computed were
measures of central tendency, frequency, and percentages. The scores on Life
Science Achievement Test obtained by the student were used in analyzing their level
of academic achievement by comparing it to the DepEd standards. On the other hand,
Kendall’s Tau Rank Correlation and Cramer’s V was employed to determine the
association between the extent of engagement, profile variables, academic
performance, and attitude towards Biology. In addition, qualitative analysis was
conducted through focus group interviews, attitude questionnaires, activity reports,
reflection journals, and in-depth probing interviews to better understand students'
perceptions of garden-based learning.
The study found that GBL, as a teaching strategy, effectively promotes learning
engagement and fosters positive attitudes towards Biology among students across
age and sex groups. Academic performance of the students was discovered to have
a low association towards the extent of learning engagement in garden-based
learning. On the other hand, Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional Engagements have
weak positive association towards the students' attitude towards Biology.
Given the demonstrated benefits of garden-based learning, policy makers,
curriculum designers and developers should consider incorporating this method into
the broader Biology curriculum. Additionally, the curriculum should be designed to
allow for personalization of learning experiences, catering to individual students'
strengths and requirements.
Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Biology,
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education