Work-Life Balance and Organizational Commitment of Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in Las Vegas, USA

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Panganiban-Noel, Arabelle M.
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This study intended to draw a correlational analysis between Work Life Balance and Organizational Commitment among the nurses in a tertiary hospital in Las Vegas. The research design utilized a quantitative non-experimental descriptive correlational approach. The target population are full time registered nurses who are currently employed and who have worked for at least six months with the organization. Convenience sampling was used to select participants for the survey. Work Life Balance, which is the independent variable, was measured using the Work Life Balance Measure by Brought et al (2014) and Organizational Commitment, which is the dependent variable, was assessed using Allen and Meyer’s Organizational Commitment Scale also known as the Three Component Model (TCM) of Employee Commitment (EC). The research used descriptive statistics in analyzing demographic data and inferential statistics to draw correlations between the variables. When it comes to health care professionals in general, previous research indicate a direct correlation between work life balance and organizational commitment.
Research Subject Categories::INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Caring sciences::Nursing, Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Social work
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