PLASTBOT-PONIC Project: A Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation project for Marginalized Fisherfolk for Barangay Uacon, Candelaria, Zambales, Philippines

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Morales, Eric J.
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PLASTBOT-Ponic Project is a capacity-building project for marginalized fisherfolk of one coastal barangay of Uacon, Candelaria, Zambales province. PLASBOT refers to waste PLAStic BOTtle for hydroPONIC vegetable production set-up. The project is a context of waste plastic bottle recycling into backyard vegetable production as an alternative food source and livelihood for the community. The project has three main activities specifically the socio-economic assessment of the fisherfolk to determine the current condition of the fisherfolk and their awareness level on the impact of climate change, the conduct of an awareness campaign through lecture and forum discussion, and lastly the establishment of PLASTBOT-Ponic demo project to engage the community in plastic waste recycling. The project has achieved the objectives of increasing the awareness of marginalized fisherfolks regarding Climate Change’s impact on marine resources and their livelihood. In addition, the established demo project was actively participated by the community. This project is in harmony with the country’s National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2011-2028 which addresses Food Security, Ecological and Environmental Sustainability, and Knowledge and Capacity Development as part of the seven top priority strategies of NCCAP. Lastly, the demo project also enticed women's participation as a form of women empowerment which is also a climate change adaptation approach wherein capacity-building should be done in all sectors. No one should be left behind because the wrath of climate change affects anyone.
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