Auto-Cash System Automated Enrollment and Cash-Inflow System
Auto-Cash System Automated Enrollment and Cash-Inflow System
Manalo, Divina H.
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Auto-Cash System (Automated Enrollment and Cash-Inflow System) is the output of the project and aim for an accurate, user friendly and useful system that can help both the student/parent/guardian and personnel for fast data processing of enrolment. The system is an integration of two functions designed for Private Educational Institutions offering preparatory up to grade six levels. These are enrollment and cash inflow functions.
The enrollment procedure is a very tedious task from the submission of the requirements up to the computations of payment. In most of these private educational institutions, this is the common procedure followed during the enrollment period and usually it is done manually. Records are kept in a bulk of filed paper because there is no existing database other than the files in the filing cabinet. Reports are not done accurately and efficiently because problems are encountered like data redundancy. A discrepancy in computations of payments is also encountered.
In this kind of private education institution, there is always one person or two persons assigned to process enrollment and cash inflow system. Time is very precious for this person assigned to this task for attending with the students and guardians’ concerns.
These schools setting is very common in places like Batangas and Mindoro. In every town of the mentioned provinces the average of 4 – 5 schools have the same settings and procedures followed during enrollment. As the institution continuously grows the need to automate the system become a necessity. Automation will be one of the steps to take in order to embrace the advancement of technology and to maximize the available resources in the institution because most of them own a computer that is left idle. ActAD framework and SDLC phases were used as guide in the development of the system
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science