Grassland Vegetation Assessment In Forage Farms In Masbate Province, Philippines

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Barruga, Bever M.
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BARRUGA, BEVER MANARAS.Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management.Faculty of Management and Development Studies. University of the Philippines Open University. July 2021. Grassland Vegetation Assessment in Forage Farms in Masbate Province, Philippines Special Problem Adviser: Dr. Ramiro F. Plopino Grassland vegetation assessment is valuable for monitoring and inventory of pastures. This study gathered baseline data on the prevailing grassland condition and its underlying factors byidentifying vegetation attributes and how these impact the feed resources condition, in terms of species composition, cover, frequency value, height, and dominance ratio, and examine how it relates to pasture management and practices. Pointsampling technique using point frame method, vegetation analysis through descriptive statistics, and Key Informant Interviews were employed to gather data and qualitative information. It was observed that the species composition was diverse in each area. In terms of percent relative cover, Paddock 16, Stylosanthes guianensis obtained 75.80%; Paddock 8, Brachiaria humidicola, 59.26%; and Paddock 12 (P12), Brachiaria humidicola, 31.36%.For paddock 16 (P16) and 8 (P8), the relative frequency is highest for Stylosanthes guianensisand Brachiaria humidicola, 50% and 39% respectively, while in paddock 12 (P12), the highest relative frequency were Arachis pintoi and Bracharia decumbens, 17.65%.The highest relative height recorded in paddock 8 (P8) was Themeda triandra, Imperata cylindrica, and Mimosa pudicahaving 22.70%, 32.42% and 14.40%, respectively. Paddock 12 (P12) appeared to have lowest relative height value of 46.49% compared to paddock 8 (P8) and 16 (P16) with 169.03% and 185.59%, respectively. Overall, Brachiaria humidicolain Paddock 8 (P8) and 12 (P12) and Stylosanthes guianensis in Paddock 16 (P16) had the highest dominance ratio. Pastoral management of ranchers adopts rotational grazing management. However, rotation of animals was done at its lowest grazing capacity which resulted to overgrazing. Environmental policies in the barangay such as garbage disposal, impoundment of stray animals must be strictly observed to avoid additional grazing impact and pasture degradation. It is also recommended that improved pastures such as stylo and humidicola shall be homogenous to increase herbage yield available to animals to control possible growth of unpalatable invasive species.
Keywords: grassland ecosystem, pasture management, vegetation attributes
Research Subject Categories::FORESTRY, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES and LANDSCAPE PLANNING::Landscape planning::Nature conservation and landscape management, Research Subject Categories::FORESTRY, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES and LANDSCAPE PLANNING
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