The Agency of Film in History Education: A Ventriloquial Analysis of ZOOM Teaching Interactions
The Agency of Film in History Education: A Ventriloquial Analysis of ZOOM Teaching Interactions
Agapito, Jr., Benigno, B.
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University of the Philippines - Open University
The study examined the film performance in the context of history education;
the agentive role of film in history-making; and the film as a mediated communication
in history education through the use of a ventriloquial analysis with agency framework
as a lens. This study was essentially constructed from the video lectures (recorded
teaching materials via Zoom meeting) of the history teacher in three of his class
sessions. The teacher-participant’s conversation and interactions in the Zoom video
lecture were transcribed to analyze and to determine the performative role of film in
the context of history education, and were used to know how the historical film acted
as an agent that participated in history-making. Also, this study examined the agency
of interactions to determine what way the film mediated in teaching history and what
knowledge in the interaction had been produced. The researcher divided those film
performances according to their discussed themes, so as to identify the film agentive
roles that emerged repeatedly using thematic clustering and assigning of activity.
Thus, this study established some theoretical propositions that may contribute to
understanding what the film performed; its agentive role; the way the film mediated;
and what knowledge generated in the context of history education through the voice
of the teacher-participant.
Agapito, Benigno B. Jr. (2023). The Agency of Film in History Education: A Ventriloquial Analysis of ZOOM Teaching Interactions