Effect Of Educational Program On Knwoledge And Attitudein Heart Failure Among Staff Nursesin A Tertiary Hospital In Makati City

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R.N Sanchez, Zharmaine C.
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Patients diagnosed with heart failure requires wide array of health needs that a nurse who exemplifies competency be able manage these patients holistically during the pursuit of care. In order to improve nursing competencies, one must initially care for oneself in order to be teachable that will reach mastery particularly in disease management and later on undergo continuous modeling through trainings and seminars, which all described in Albert Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory. With this, the cross-sectional, quasi-experimental study was focused on measuring the knowledge and attitude of nurses caring for patients with heart failure before and after attending an educational program. With the 30 nurses who were identified from Intensive Care Unit, Medicine Ward, Geriatric Ward in Ospital ng Makati, a tertiary hospital, invitation to attend a 60-minute educational program regarding the principles of heart failure management as stipulated in nursing process, Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Intervention and Evaluation was undertaken. Significant improvement on scores (μ=2-3 points) in the 40-item knowledge scale was noted post-teaching phase. With p<0.05, there was a significant relation between nurses’ level of experience in the area and level of knowledge (p=0.03), as well as no. of heart failure patients cared in 4-week duration and level of attitude (p=0.004). Meanwhile, there was no significant relationship between the level of knowledge and attitude of nurses towards heart failure management (p=0.27).
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