Achieving Ecological Sustainability Through A Geospatial Assessment of Urban Landscapes: A Case Study of Metro Manila

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Paredes, Ulysses Nolan C.
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The compact city model has been an accepted alternative to urban sprawl. However, the densification of cities has led to a loss of urban green spaces, which provide important ecosystem services such as health benefits, climate regulation, and recreation opportunities. This study focuses on the dynamics of landscape change in Metro Manila from 1992 to 2022, using spatiotemporal analysis and remote sensing technology. The study found that there is an overall loss of urban green spaces in Metro Manila, with 77.69% of the city being composed of impervious land cover and 16.15% being pervious cover with urban greens and vegetation, and 4.27% is water. Much of the undisturbed vegetation are within the region’s protected landscapes and private parks and golf courses. Environmental variables such as NDVI show a decrease (-0.03) in the average vegetation health and an increase in the average land surface temperature (+1.60°C) highlighting the urban heat island. The study presents how a low-cost rapid assessment of urban green spaces in Metro Manila can be achieved to identify and map changes in the landscape, understand the drivers of change, and introduce appropriate interventions and management paradigms to enhance the city's resilience in the face of climate change. It is essential to have objective environmental assessment and territorial planning and decision-making stages to consider the needs of the landscape and improve the quality and quantity of urban green spaces.
Master's Thesis, please help add the folllowing keywords: urban ecology, sustainability, smart cities, management, geospatial technology, GIS
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