Research outputs by graduate students and selected Capstone Project Reports by undergraduate students of the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies.
Browsing FICS Student Papers by Author "Auxtero, Alma Mae"
This project aims to develop the Candijay Fishery and Agricultural household Registration and Management System (C-FARMS), a decision support system to assist the Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO) in managing its programs for registered farming and fisheries households in the municipality of Candijay. The system focuses
on record-keeping and program beneficiary selection to aid the MAO in fulfilling its mandate to promote agriculture and fisheries development among constituents. The
project followed the Rapid Application Development model and resulted in a threetiered web application using ReactJS, NodeJS, GraphQL API, and PostgreSQL. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to validate and verify the system, including administering online surveys and conducting end-to-end testing with Cypress. Results showed that users found the system to be acceptable and all test cases passed. The system is ready for deployment to the MAO, but maintenance plans should be implemented to ensure continued effectiveness.